
Eric Bridgeman

Eric Bridgeman is a photographer, painter and installation artist using video and performance in a variety of applications often to do with masculinity, portraiture, culture and politics. His relational art works are often framed by personal connections to his maternal Yuri Alaiku clan, from Omdara, Simbu Province, Papua New Guinea, and his paternal upbringing in the suburban landscape of Brisbane, Queensland. His work is held in national, international and private collections, and is currently represented by Andrew Baker Art Dealer, Brisbane, and Gallerysmith, Melbourne.

Eric Bridgeman

Yuriyal [Eric] Bridgeman performing Keeper of the Toilet (Wagtail) for the Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art 8, 2015, Queensland Art Gallery / Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA), Brisbane; photo: Kate Croll. 

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