
Nurfitria S. Gobel (Annie Gobel)

Nurfitria S. Gobel (Annie Gobel) (b.1991 Jakarta, Indonesia) is a Melbourne based Jeweller. She recently exhibited at the Japan International Enameling Show at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan, Hero Worship in Craft, Melbourne and 5×7 at Gallery Funaki, Melbourne, 2016. She participated in the show Colourfast Guaranteed with Marcos Guzman at Rubicon Ari Gallery Melbourne and sPin at Australian National Capital Artists Gallery’s 5th Annual Exhibition Of Miniature Wearable Artworks, ANCA Gallery, Canberra. Gobel had a solo show Re-Played at Dia.Lo.Gue Artspace, Jakarta, Indonesia in 2015. She completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Gold and Silversmithing at RMIT University, Melbourne in 2013 and was a Fresh! awards finalist at Craft Victoria, Melbourne. Gobel recently completed her Graduate Diploma in Arts and Cultural Management at Melbourne University in 2016.

Nurfitria S. Gobel (Annie Gobel)
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4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art would like to acknowledge the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the traditional custodians of the land on which we live, work and create. We recognise the enduring connections between First Nations people and the land, waters, culture and communities that have existed for over 60,000 years. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.

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4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art is an initiative of the Asian Australian Artists' Association Inc. We are grateful for the assistance of the Commonwealth Government through the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy and the Australia Council for the Arts, the NSW Government through Create NSW, and the City of Sydney through their Accommodation Grants Program.

© 2022 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
Website by Elle Williams Studio & Sorry Company.