
Salem Serene


"Living in a world where our jobs require us to compartmentalise parts of our identities to tick the boxes that are expected of us, unwinding becomes so far from an ideal, and becomes a necessity. When we create versions of ourselves that are so socially palatable - especially in the terms of the western male gaze, as a queer poc, being able to remove myself from that is so important." 

Salem is a dancer and sex worker who's creative outlet manifests in all things non-conforming. Having had the privilege to dance at work, as well as out of work, their developing style is highly influenced by dynamic sensuality, a fusion of soft contemporary and the strip club to create unconventional pole dance movement.

Salem is framed from the shoulders up in red lighting. they are wearing a bat-like sheer black cape that is rhinestoned, and they are holding one end of it up in the air. their have dark curly hair, and their expression is neutral and they have rhinestones glued underneath their eyes to match their outfit.

Salem Serene; Credit: @bunnydisaronno

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