
WeiZen Ho


WeiZen Ho was born in Melaka, Malaysia and graduated in a Social Sciences degree from UWA, Perth. She devises solo and participatory works that occupy spaces of uncertainty between performance, ritual and installation; investigating methods for accessing the memory body through image concept sketching, vocal-bodywork, improvisational techniques and mimicry of spirit possession. Her performances employ accoutrements and imagery that coalesce relationships between body, voice, sound and site.

Since founding music group TUFA, performing across Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Beijing (1999-2004), WeiZen expanded her discipline into spatial-body choreography. Her works include Evaporative Body, Multiplying Body with Alan Schacher for Keir Choreographic Award (2022), Stories from the Body #1-#9 (2014-2022: Indonesia, Malaysia, Setouchi Triennale in Japan, Thailand, Australia), the subtle beings (Australia 2018) with research undertaken in Sabah and Hanoi, and The Invisibles (360VR film 2020). WeiZen was an AIR in Cementa Festival 2022 to present a social-installation work, Dying - Differently, Possibly. She has also been the artist-curator for cross-disciplinary performance events and residency concepts like SoundBitesBody (2012-2016: properties throughout the Blue Mountains), and Performature : Performateur (2019-2022: Articulate project space, Splinter festival, StSt.ari). 

Chinese woman leaning to the left, framed by crook of left arm, looking upwards in a focused way, right arm tucked in close to side of chest with fingers in a gesture.

Headshot of Artist WeiZen Ho, DeQuincey Co’s Image-Lab 2022, Performance Improvisation, Rex- Cramphorn Studio Uni of Sydney Photo credit Vsevelod Vlaskine

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